
Travel to France this July with a special Bastille Day festival

The annual street fair will transform Madison Avenue into France.

Melissa Kravitz Hoeffner
Written by
Melissa Kravitz Hoeffner
Bastille Day in NYC
Photograph: Filip Wolak

A quick trip to Europe is possible this summer for all New Yorkers, as long as you use a little imagination. The French Institute Alliance Franҫaise (FIAF) just announced the details of its annual Bastille Day celebration, the city's largest event for France's national holiday. 

The long-running event has taken place on the Upper East Side for over two decades and transforms several blocks with the tastes, sights, sounds and je nes se quois charm of summertime in France. 

RECOMMENDED: Bastille Day in NYC 2023 guide

On Sunday, July 16, from noon to 5pm, live music, rosé and bubbly tastings, a special film screening, French food vendors and more will take over Madison Avenue from 59th to 63rd Streets.

Live entertainment on The Bastille Day Main Stage at 59th Street will include performances by cast members from Broadway’s Moulin Rouge, Paris-based singer-songwriter Naomi Greene, French-Moroccan singer Malika Zarra, BoByGroove spinning electro beats, and St. Martin's renowned steel drum band, Jolly Boys. 

The highlight for many is the French-style open market, with over 50 vendors, including free coffee from L'OR. Participating vendors include Pistache NYC, Le Petit Parisien, Theirry Atlan, OCabanon, Pain d'Avignon, Angelina Paris, Benoit, Bourke Street Bakery, Crepe Escape, Barachou, Miss Madeline, Maman, Mille-feuille Bakery, Cheese2U, and more.

A French Garden will showcase over a dozen luxury shops including Babette, Thermomix, and Le Parisien and more.

Kids can get out some energy with coaches from sports and fitness provider Asphalt Green leading fitness challenges, games and more. Instructors from FIAF's Language Center will host a special Bastille Day-themed coloring corner for children.

Are you a Francophile? FIAF will be on site to discuss FIAF membership benefits, French language classes for kids and adults, upcoming film screenings, performances, and more. A 10% discount on French classes and memberships will be offered in honor of Bastille Day. 

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