
Time Out Market New York will close temporarily from March 16

Will Gleason
Written by
Will Gleason
Content Director, The Americas
Time Out Market New York | |

Your safety means a lot to us. 

That’s why, in addition to changing our logo and shifting our mission, we’ve decided to close Time Out Market New York temporarily. The market will remain closed for as long as needed to help NYC in its ongoing efforts to fight the spread of coronavirus

We’ve made this difficult decision after monitoring the latest developments and receiving input from health authorities and the city government. The wellbeing of our guests and staff is the most important thing for us, so this seemed like the right way forward. 

“These are unprecedented times and nothing matters more than the health and safety of our guests, teams, concessionaires and the local community as a whole,” says Didier Souillat, CEO of Time Out Market. “We have decided to temporarily close as it is our responsibility to do our part to protect everybody—we are looking forward to reopening when it is safe and to once again welcome guests to Time Out Market.”

The market will be closing after dinner service on Sunday evening, March 15. We hope to reopen soon, and will let you know as soon as we can when that will be.

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