The dawn of each new year, much like spring’s new blooms and autumn’s crackling back-to-school sensations, arrives with a kind of clean slate vitality—or at least an excuse to resolve this or that, to re-green those thumbs and to break out some cute new boots, respectively. Only the new year, however, celebrated with its inimitable calendar-straddling duality, also carries a kind of mathematical satisfaction and sense of starting over those other moments never rival.
It all starts with hopes and plans and promises, some unique to you and maybe even locked like a secret, and others ubiquitous and familiar practically the world over. Dry January, commercially known by the portmanteau “Dryanuary,” is the latter, a time when temperance reigns for a flash of 31 days. It’s a month, for some, when no booze is in order, but, as luck would have it, those very tipples, whether they’re called “mock,” “spirit-free,” “non-alcoholic” or “zero-ABV” populate menus all over town. Dumbo’s own Time Out Market New York has added four this 2024 for all your teetotaling toasts.

The “gin” sling – $12
This riff on the intoxicating throwback swaps the hooch with a mix of a faux-gin base, lemon juice, simple syrup, Angostura bitters and tonic and tops it with a sprig of rosemary and a lemon wedge.

The new fashioned – $12
An un-boozed whiskey approximation meets simple syrup, bitters, orange and cherry in a recipe that might sound a little familiar.

The apple cider “rum” punch – $12
Apple cider joins orange juice, simple syrup and a simulacra of spiced rum for a comforting pun without the kick.

The pomegranate margarita – $12
Pomegranate, lime and cranberry juice mingle with simple syrup and a take on tequila for refreshment absent any intoxicant.