
These food-themed tote bags are raising money for bail funds

A rainbow cookie tote bag, anyone?

Emma Orlow
Written by
Emma Orlow
Rainbow cookie
Photograph: Shutterstock | |

Italian rainbow cookies have long been among our favorite cookies. While they're actually confusingly tri-colored (meant to represent the colors of Italy's flag), you can find actual rainbow ones prepared at Bushwick bakery The Awkward Scone. And now a rainbow cookie is also immortalized on a tote bag.

A Manhattan-based artist Laura Chautin has started making tote bags featuring various food items, such as butter, Yakult bottles, sandwiches, black and white cookies and our favorite rainbow cookies. Chautin often uses food as a subject matter in her work, such as clay mobiles with fried eggs and other dangling edibles, sold across the city at places like the restaurant Dimes in Chinatown. Though you might have enough tote bags already stashed in your closet, Chautin is donating $15 (the total cost is $20, with $5 going to shipping) from each sale to the National Bail Out, which helps keep arrested protestors marching against the injustices of police brutality in America out of jail—a mission all the more important amidst the current pandemic, in which jails have only been revealed to be major vectors for the spread of virus. The organization is particularly focused on helping black mothers, who are disproportionately jailed. 

If you'd rather not buy a bag and don't need a material incentive, there are still plenty of ways to donate to these organizations (we've suggested a bunch of other anti-racist causes worth checking out as well, especially for those who cannot physical attend protests for a variety of reasons). Looking for more ways to contribute to causes supporting the Black Lives Matter movement and Black-owned businesses in your area? Head to our guide

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Round 2 🚨$20 each ($5 shipping $15 @nationalbailout ) DM ME PLEASE. 👍

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