Aching to turn off the TV and turn up the beautiful, swelling music of one of the world's best orchestras? The New York Philharmonic is making 150 hours of performances free for you to take in at home.
Earlier this month, the NY Phil decided to cancel performances through June 13 to help stop the spread of coronavirus, despite the fact that "music is a powerful source of comfort and healing," its president and CEO Deborah Borda said in a statement.
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"We know that this closing is a profound loss to our audience as it is to our musicians and, indeed, the institution," she added.
Making lemonade out of lemons, NY Phil's "NY Phil Plays On" has released over 150 hours of performances, interviews with its musicians, its award-winning radio programs and videos of its Young People’s Concerts, complemented by lessons and games.
And check out its Facebook page on Thursday nights at 7:30pm for the closest experience to a live performance that NY Phill can offer right now—broadcasts of past performances. For example, you can check out Jaap van Zweden conducting Mahler’s Symphony No. 5.
Happy listening!