
Just when you finally got all the plastic sprinkles out of your hair, the Museum of Ice Cream is returning to NYC. Sort of.
It’s not the original Museum of Ice Cream you remember from 2016, but rather a spin-off. The brand-new Pint Shop will open on June 6 in downtown Manhattan (the address has not yet been announced), bringing the look of the installations you know and love (or love to roll your eyes at) from the interactive exhibit.
The OG museum had that pool of sprinkles, ice cream sandwich swings and a flavor-matching Tinder Land...but it didn’t sell its own ice cream. Oops. Though it did have tasting events featuring the city’s best ice cream shops, it was primarily an Instagram influencer fantasy land and didn’t serve an exclusive line of scoops—until now.
Yes, the new shop will actually be an ice cream shop! It will serve seven flavors, including Vanillionaire, Cherrylicious and Nana Banana, organized in color-coded aisles. If you want to try the flavors but want to avoid the crowds posing in the shop's decorative 8-foot ice cream cartons, you can also find the flavors at Target. Oh hey, we have a bunch of those now!
Just like how the museum expanded to Los Angeles and San Francisco (where the museum is currently open now), the new store will also be opening other retail locations as well in 2019. Those will be announced at a later date, and if they’re anything like the museum, they’re sure to be very, very popular.
[h/t WSJ Magazine]
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