The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Michelangelo exhibit has made waves since it opened in November. Featuring 133 drawings, three marble sculptures and the earliest known painting from the Renaissance artist, our art critic has called it “genius in its purest form.”
On Thursday morning, the museum welcomed Michelangelo’s most famous fictional namesake—the nunchuck-wielding, orange headband–wearing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle—for a photo opp at the “Michelangelo: Divine Draftsman and Designer” exhibit. (He's a Family Travel Ambassador for NYC & Company.)
Yes, we’re aware that mutant humanoid turtles do not in fact live in New York City’s sewers. And yes, we know that the character photographed above is just a real person dressed up in a costume. But we’ll be damned if the whole thing isn’t as cute as a button.
The stunt aimed to promote the exhibit before it closes on February 12. If you’re looking to check out a great art exhibit in New York this winter, this is one of your best bets. The show also closes just weeks before the Met institutes its mandatory admission fee for out-of-state residents.
It’s safe to say that even if Mikey were a real crime-fighting monster (which, again, he definitely is not...right?), his place of residence would make him exempt from paying $25 to enter the museum.

Photograph: The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Photograph: The Metropolitan Museum of Art

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