
Take a free Citi Bike or discounted Lyft to get to the polls on Election Day in NYC

Will Gleason
Written by
Will Gleason
Content Director, The Americas
Courtesy CC/Flickr/Tom Marvel

If something as simple as merely getting to the polls is making you think twice about getting out and voting next week, you now have two ways to make it a bit easier.

Across the country, Lyft is providing 50 percent off rides next Tuesday, November 6. To redeem your half-off ride, head over to BuzzFeed and enter your zip code. You’ll then be given a code that you’ll be able to use to get to the polls on Election Day. While anyone can take advantage of the half-off deal, the company has also partnered with Voto Latino, Urban League and the National Federation of the Blind to connect people in need with completely free rides.

The Lyft initiative is taking place across the country, but there’s another transit option right here in NYC that’s providing a completely free way to get to your local polling station. Motivate—the company that runs Citi Bike as well as bike share programs in seven other cities—is proving free all-day passes on Election Day.

“Too many Americans don’t vote because they lack reliable and affordable transportation options,” said Julie Wood, a spokeswoman for Motivate, which runs bike sharing systems nationwide.

Residents of New York and Jersey City can unlock Citi Bikes all day on November 6 with the code BIKETOVOTE. Motivate is also joining Uber and Lyft in reconfiguring their respective apps to show the locations of polling places throughout the city all day long on Tuesday.

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