“Time's Up” has officially become part of the nation's collective lexicon. Last Sunday, we watched movie stars and industry pros dressed in black, donning pins and making “Time's up!” proclamations during the Golden Globes. Now, an NYC restaurant is saying #metoo and joining the movement in a way that's drawing a bit of backlash.
The creators behind The Bagel Store, known for its rainbow-bright creations, are issuing black-and-white bagels to support the star-studded anti-harassment campaign. And while the truffle oil-laced breakfast food certainly looks pretty, and the shop’s Instagram post promoting it is littered with #goodcause and #equality hashtags, the purpose of the debut is simply to raise awareness for the cause.
Francine LaBarbara, the shop's rep, stated in an email that she's hoping customers will come away “feeling positive and, in a small way, like they're standing in solidarity on an important message.”
Obviously, some people have taken issue with this type of social media activism, as hashtags don't really pay the legal bills.

“It is not about the money,” LaBarbara responded. “We support so many causes on all levels. We never publicize them on social media. We do the opposite. Our only intent was to show we agree and help raise awareness in a positive manner. I would say the world needs more positivity and less negativity. We are always about doing the right thing.”
While the profits from the bagels do not directly benefit the cause, you can donate to the Time's Up campaign via its Go Fund Me page here.
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