Little Tong Noodle Shop, which opened earlier this year, is best known for its authentic Yunnanese rice noodles from chef Simone Tong. Now the Chinese restaurant is launching an end-of-the-year special noodle bowl. Only 20 are served a day, and there are 18 ingredients in each (get it?): Arctic char, scallop, surf clam, chicken breast, duck, prosciutto, quail egg, roe, wood-ear mushroom, maitake mushroom, pea shoots, goji berries, black turnip, pickles, green chili, fermented chili, crispy fish skin and chili oil.
The Crossing Bridge Noodles is priced at, you guessed it, $20.18 and will only be available until early January.
The rice bowl is one of the many limited food items in the city that are not necessarily cooked to demand but to resources available (or to up the hype). Take Cronuts (yes, they still exist) which usually are gone by morning; same with the crullers from Daily Provisions. Some of the newbies are the McRib we recently reviewed at Num Pang Kitchen or the Ché sundae at Hanoi House, one of our 100 best dishes.
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