
Oh snow! School snow days in NYC are no more

Students will be expected to log on for remote learning.

Shaye Weaver
Written by
Shaye Weaver
Editor, Time Out New York
snow day II
Photograph: Courtesy CC/Flickr/Eric Konon | Prospect Park

Growing up, it was always the best feeling when we’d wake up to the city blanketed in snow and we’d see our school’s name on the TV news list of closures. A snow day! School was canceled and we could spend all day sledding and drinking hot chocolate.

Well, according to NYC Department of Education Chancellor David C. Banks, snow days and the joy they bring to children is over.

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On Tuesday, Banks told Fox 5’s Good Day New York that there will no longer be snow days and that bad weather will not cancel class. “There are technically no more snow days,” he said just two days before the start of the new school year.

“With the new technology that we have—that’s one of the good things that came out of COVID—if a snow day comes around, we want to make sure that our kids continue to learn,” he added. “So, sorry, kids. No more snow days, but it’s gonna be good for you!”

Instead of making snowmen and pondering the force and angle needed to hit the neighbor kid with a snowball, students will be expected to log on for remote learning—much as they did during the pandemic. Obviously, this goes for teachers, too.

This type of policy was first implemented in 2020 and was done again last school year, but this is the first time an NYC official has acknowledged snow days are over for good. By switching to remote learning, it allows NYC schools to meet the state law that requires students to attend class 180 out of 365 days, which is harder when school is canceled for bad weather during particularly nasty winters.

Having had grown up with snow days, which served as a bright beacon of freedom and joy, it’s hard to see them end with a whimper.

New Yorkers have a lot to say on Twitter about the loss of these free days off:

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