Living in New York City is always stressful, and that's especially true right now. Luckily, New Yorkers have a free resource they can tap into if they need an extra shoulder to lean on.
If you're having a hard time dealing with everything that's happening, you're not alone—New York City is offering free at-home mental health support via phone and the web.
Regardless of your insurance coverage or immigration status, you can use NYC Well, which offers a number of wellbeing and emotional support apps that can help you cope.
You can select an app based on what you're dealing with (anxiety, stress, pain, depression), discover mindfulness exercises, play games to improve your emotional well-being, find meditations to do and much more.
If you need to talk to someone, call 1-888-NYC-WELL or click the "chat now" button on the NYC Well site, which will connect you to a counselor or a peer support specialist (someone who has their own experience with mental health and can listen and support you).
People facing violence or abuse can call Safe Horizon's 24-hour hotline at 1-800-621-4673 for support or visit nyc.gov/NYCHOPE.
All chats are confidential and can provide answers, resources and even referrals you can use to move forward. You are not alone!