New York City is number one at a lot of things...including being full of the rudest Uber passengers in the country!
Uber on Wednesday released a list of the highest average rider ratings among large U.S. cities and NYC was at the very bottom as having the lowest rider ratings, meaning we're the worst.
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Top 10 highest average rider ratings:
- San Antonio
- St. Louis
- Nashville
- Salt Lake City
- Kansas City
- Sacramento
- Tampa Bay
- Charlotte
- Las Vegas
- Portland
Top 10 lowest average rider ratings:
- New York City
- Seattle
- Washington, D.C.
- Boston
- Minneapolis - St. Paul
- San Francisco
- Philadelphia
- Los Angeles
- Baltimore-Maryland
- Chicago
We're even ruder than Massholes!?
This begs the question—what makes a low rider rating anyway? It turns out that drivers rank us based on whether we keep them waiting, leave trash in their car and whether we act respectfully. The average rating for Uber riders is 4.89 out of 5, according to Uber, however, Ridester says you have a bad score if you're below a 4.7.
Starting today, you can see a breakdown of your average rating in the Uber app’s Privacy Center. For the first time, you'll be able to see how many drivers gave you a perfect 5-star rating, how many slapped you with a single star and everything in between, Uber says.
"We launched the Privacy Center, which features a ratings breakdown, to provide users with more transparency and easier access to their data," Zach Singleton, head of privacy and equity products at Uber, says. "We hope that by giving users a peek into how their rating is calculated, we can help encourage positive experiences between riders and drivers on every trip."
You can access it by going into the settings menu, tapping "Privacy" and then "Privacy Center." In the Privacy Center, swipe to the right and click on the "would you like to see a summary of how you use Uber" tile and then scroll down to the "browse your data" section and tap on "View my ratings" to see the breakdown.
Sometimes we're not as polite as we think we're being. (I have three one-star ratings and I always make it a point to be kind and courteous!) So how does Uber say to improve your rating?
Here are some tips on increasing your rider rating on Uber:
- Always make sure to take your trash and any other belongings with you. Don’t leave a mess behind.
- Always remember to buckle up for your and the driver’s safety.
- Don't make drivers wait too long for you.
- Treat everyone and everything with respect—always treat your driver and their vehicle as you would want to be treated.
- and don’t slam the door! Drivers have consistently cited door slams as a reason why they deduct stars.

Maybe if we all follow these tips, we can take the number two spot next year.