There’s so much about NYC that fills New Yorkers with irrational rage—slow walkers, bartenders who ignore you, loud neighbors—that living here can really test our patience.
That being said, there are brilliant things that make us love living here. Sometimes though, it’s the small things that make us relish NYC. Things that make us fill with delight and dare we say it, give us goosebumps.
A Reddit user took to the platform this month and asked what everyone’s “NYC fetish” is, that is, things that are extremely satisfying to the everyday New Yorker. Below are 10 of the most popular answers:
1. When cross-platform transfers line up perfectly.
There is nothing quite like stepping off the train and seeing the transfer train open its doors right across the platform (and making it). It’s so satisfying it gives us chills.
2. Sitting in the train car that stops directly in front of the exit we need
Likewise, when we don’t need to walk far to escape the underground, it’s like manna from heaven.
3. Seeing the same people on our commute every day
There’s something charming when seeing familiar faces on our way to and from work every day. We wonder about their lives and what they do for a living but never introduce ourselves. But we like it that way.

4. Non-creepily peering into people’s brownstones
Seeing life through someone else’s eyes, or apartment, is kind of dreamy. Many of us will never be able to afford living in a brownstone so peering into someone’s window gives us a glimpse of that life. Either way, it’s a voyeuristic activity that we secretly love.
5. Overhearing a juicy argument or pieces of conversation
“They were roommates!” le gasp. It tickles us to overhear conversations that seem juicy or salacious, mostly because it has nothing to do with us and offers a side of drama with our commute.
6. Pay-what-you-wish tickets
Many museums like The Met and The American Museum of Natural History, let New York residents pay whatever we want for admission. There’s nothing quite as satisfying as handing over less than what everyone else has to pay simply because we have an NYC zip code.

7. The rush of AC from a store on a very hot day
Trekking across the asphalt in the middle of summer in the city often means we are drenched in sweat and blinded by the sun reflecting off the pavement. But when that shop door opens and the blanket of cool air surrounds us, we are reborn and ready to take on another five blocks.
8. Finding lightly-worn designer clothes at a thrift shop
An Oscar de la Renta top or a Chanel jacket for cheap is like finding a needle in a haystack. When we discover a designer piece in good shape and with an affordable tag, we’ve won the NYC fashion lottery.
9. Giving great directions to out-of-towners
Nothing affirms our status as a New Yorker as when we give a tourist or visitor incredibly detailed or clear directions on how to get somewhere. We’ve proven you own this city.
10. Getting the “walk” sign every time we reach the intersection
As a people constantly on the move, getting through crosswalks one after the other without stopping is pure bliss. Nothing is going to stop us now!