New Yorkers never really had nice things to say about the, granted, always-dirty Regal UA Court Street movie theater in Brooklyn. And yet, now that the destination abruptly closed after twenty years in the neighborhood, folks are mourning the loss.
According to Brooklyn Magazine, no closing notice was posted but "Internet sleuths" did discover a proposal showing "that [the] building, which also houses Barnes & Noble, might be redeveloped into a mall." How 2021.
The cinema was known for its always-loud audience members and their tendency to break into arguments right in the middle of a movie. Let's also not forget the many times theater-goers revealed they'd been bit by bedbugs while catching a flick. According to a Twitter user, closing night at the cinema was also very on brand. "Someone puked and a fistfight broke out during 5CREAM at final night of Regal Cort St," C. Mason Wells tweeted. "Rest in power, king."
It all sounds pretty New York to us.
But, alas, as news about the shuttering made the rounds, people took to Twitter to recount the happy times they spent at the destination and what they will mostly miss about it.
Here are some of the most memorable reactions to the surprising turn of events:
Wow had no idea the Regal Cinemas on Court St was closing but fitting that the last movie I saw there was Eternals
— Lauren (@feistymexarican) January 18, 2022
With Regal Court St gone, there's gonna be an exponential uptick in people getting booted from the Brooklyn Drafthouse.
— Nilsy (@NilstheHirsute) January 18, 2022
Many memories. One distinctly: Saw ‘Meet Dave’ here in high school and goofed on it. Almost no one was in the theater. Peace out, Regal UA Court St. https://t.co/D7KlKdVgeE
— O.K. (@stinkercinema) January 18, 2022
Farewell to Regal Court St. So many incredible, rowdy screenings in this Brooklyn gem. Thanks for the memories. 💔 https://t.co/QXMEHRwKVh
— Gabriel de Urioste (@de_Urioste) January 17, 2022
smoke one for the court st regal
— Gene “Existential Malice” Thornton (@damagedbyscreen) January 14, 2022
I had a real love/hate with Court St Regal (horribly run theater), but it’s incredible how many movies I saw there over the last 15 years out of sheer convenience. And in talking to @TomBrueggemann last night, that’s the part that makes me nervous.
— Chris O'Falt (@cofalt) January 13, 2022
People who complain about “the death of the cinema experience” should be forced to read every tweet about the Court St Regal. https://t.co/hfqqkUw6nd
— Steve Flack (@VitaminSteve) January 11, 2022
RIP to the Court St Regal, where I watched The Mule while still clocked in at my day job
— 𝕵𝖆𝖗𝖊𝖐 𝕸𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖗 (@jarek_miller_) January 11, 2022