
New Yorkers, a "cold front" is headed our way—but it's still going to be super hot

It feels like it's 100 degrees outside but lower temperatures are coming.

Anna Rahmanan
Written by
Anna Rahmanan
Senior National News Editor
Open hydrant in NYC during the summer
Photograph: Shutterstock

We know we sound like a broken record when complaining about the incessant heat around here, but real-feel temperatures topped 100 degrees yesterday, so forgive us for not being able to talk about anything but the weather these days. 

Alas, respite is headed our way: according to the New York Post, a cold front will move into the New York region on Thursday, "causing temperatures to drop to the mid-to-low 80s just ahead of the weekend."

Singing victory while dealing with still-freaking-hot 80-degree weather sounds absolutely insane but here we are, living in New York in the summer. Even small victories get us giddy with excitement.

Both Governor Kathy Hochul and Mayor Eric Adams have been warning New Yorkers about the various heat waves throughout the past few weeks, urging all to make use of the cooling centers now open throughout the city and, perhaps, considering applying for a free air conditioning unit to be installed inside their homes.

In addition to the insane temperatures, some New York residents have had to deal with severe thunderstorms that even spurred the governor to declare a state of emergency.

“With possible tornado touchdowns across the state, we are standing ready to assist localities however necessary as severe weather continues to move across the state,” Hochul said in an official statement yesterday in response to severe weather impacting communities in Central New York and the Mohawk Valley. “New Yorkers should be sure to monitor their local forecasts and prepare for hazardous travel and other impacts from these storms.”

For what it's worth, tomorrow and the weekend should feel a slightly bit better in terms heat levels. Until then, you might want to consult our guide to fun ways to stay cool during NYC's seemingly unending series of heat waves. You're welcome.

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