Have you seen The Irishman? You know, the new Scorsese movie about the mafia? The three-and-a-half hour one? Neither have I. But I did check out Netflix's big-budget marketing stunt for the movie, and I have to admit it was kiiinda awesome. It's not Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge, but honestly? It's not far off.
As previously reported, Netflix has "de-aged" a chunk of Little Italy to 1975 for part of this weekend, much like the film's stars were digitally de-aged in the movie. Sidebar: can we come up with a better term than "de-aged?" Because it seems like this is coming up a lot this days. The upshot of this is that there's a bunch of fun, weird stuff going on in that part of town and you should probably check it out. Especially if you like free stuff. All you have to do is walk into one of the participating businesses and tell them "Jimmy sent me."
Without spoiling too much, here are our five favorite parts of the event - consider it a little shopping list if you just want to get in, take the cannoli, and get out.
1. Stock up on red wine at Mulberry Wine & Liquor
Two words: free chianti. Who knows how long it'll last, but they're just handing out bottles of red wine.

2. Rice balls at Alleva Dairy
Alleva is America's oldest cheese shop, so believe me when I say their rice balls are not screwing around. And you can't beat the price. "Let me guess," said the woman behind the counter, "Jimmy sent you? Jimmy's sending everybody!"

3. Cannoli at Caffé Roma
Want some dessert? Follow that rice ball with a cannoli from Caffé Roma down the street. I don't know what to tell you about this cannoli, it's just... it's really good cannoli, folks.

4. Another cannoli at Ferrara Bakery & Cafe
OK before you tweet your cannoli hot take at me, let me explain. I love Ferrara as much as the next guy. But while Caffé Roma is handing out medium-large pastries, Ferrara has opted for a mini cannoli. Will I eat a mini cannoli? Obviously. But let's be real, where cannoli is concerned, bigger is better.
5. "Go for a ride" in an old Cadillac
Fair warning, there is some LARPing going on. Even if it's not your thing, hop in one of the massive old Cadillacs lining Grand Street - despite what the drivers are pitching, they don't actually want to take you anywhere, and it's a fun, immersive step into the world of the movie.

The Irishman is playing in New York right now, and it'll be available on Netflix starting November 27th.
You can check out Netflix's version of Little Italy today and tomorrow from 9AM to 7PM. Enjoy!