Each week, we take two New Yorkers who swear they’re totally undateable, and put our matchmaking skills to the test. Afterward, we find out what went well on their date, and what went horribly, horribly wrong.

Why they’re single:
Kimmy: She tends to pick the wrong people.
Marc: He’s picky and has a strong personality.
Ideal date:
Kimmy: Having a great conversation over really good margaritas
Marc: Grabbing coffee and then going to a dog park
First impression
Kimmy: “He seemed really nice and sweet. I think we were both kind of nervous. It was a bit of a jumble at first, but once we settled in, I could tell he was a perfect gentleman.”
Marc: “It was a good match, I would say. I got there a little early so I could scope out the scene. Once we got our orders, the conversation felt very organic and natural.”
Kimmy: “He asked me a ton of questions about myself, and that’s always great on a date. I host a podcast called 51 First Dates—I go on a date a week, so I’ve learned a lot.”
Marc: “I felt like there was a connection, and we had a good chat. We found out that my friend who told me to do this is actually her editor, so that was a crazy coincidence.”
Awkward Moment
Kimmy: “I ordered a beer but didn’t consider if he was gonna drink or not. (He wasn’t.) Then I couldn’t find my license. I kind of felt like a monster. I was coming in hot!”
Marc: “It was a Mexican restaurant, and some guac fell in my lap. I had to stop the conversation and get a napkin to wipe my pants. That was just me being messy, though.”
Kimmy: “We exchanged numbers before we left the restaurant. I forgot we even had to do that because usually on a date you have it already. We hugged goodbye and then left.”
Marc: “She was heading to the East Village, so we said goodbye outside the restaurant. There’s been some light texting since then—nothing too crazy.”
Kimmy: ♥♥♥♥ “He was perfect, adorable. It went so well, much better than I expected. He was a total angel. I thought this would go terribly, but I got the opposite of a bad date.”
Marc: ♥♥♥♥ “She was a really fun, motivated, creative person. It seems like she has a good relationship with her family, and we talked about plenty of cool stuff.”
Our daters went to Dos Toros (212-677-7300, 137 Fourth Ave)
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