New Yorkers are the world's most multicultural, multilingual, intersectional, cosmopolitan people on the planet. And basic AF. Not cute basic or ironic basic or thirsty basic, like, say, eating McNuggets dipped in gold. No. More like proudly eating Harry Potter-themed pasta in Williamsburg—yes, you guys, that Williamsburg. Or drinking half-assed Star Wars cocktails in Soho. Is there a rooftop bar we won't try? No. We say yes—ahem, YAASSSS—to it all.
We like our Chick-Fil-A and turkey sandwiches and chicken caesar wraps and kale salads. We like our Starbucks Christmas Tree frappuccinos. We are here for it all and that is why we are not even going to pretend that we aren’t gonna order the hell out of a deal put up by McDonald’s tomorrow offering 10 free McNuggets with every McDelivery placed through Uber Eats. The offer extends to roughly 200 McDonalds across four boroughs (sorry, Staten Island). While supplies last from 11am until 10pm, the deal extends, as a McDonald’s press release put it, to “new and existing customers.” Because, guess what, y'all? SOME OF YOU ARE PRE-EXISTING McDELIVERY UBER EATS CUSTOMERS.
So, look, we get it. We know it. We own it. Real recognizes real. But right now, straight up, we're just gonna lay on the table that if you happen to cross paths with anyone from the elite Time Out Test-Eater Squad and we smell like we have McDonalds on our breath, you can just go ahead and assume it's because we just finished eating a gourmet McRib. Yes, from Times Square—what's it to you?
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