Less than a year ago, news about the arrival of wax figures depicting current President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris at Madame Tussauds in Times Square was met with cries of incredulity.
The surprise was mostly attached to the monument allegedly portraying Harris—the first Vice President to ever be included in the museum. In fact, an unscientific poll conducted within the Time Out offices concluded that 100% of staffers did not believe the statue to look like our current politician.
Today, we're here to tell you that—it turns out—wax-figure-Kamala-Harris actually does look a bit more like real-person-Kamala-Harris and we like to think we had a bit to do with it all. (Just kidding, we definitely did not.)
The two new icons have officially taken residence inside the famous Times Square museum, within a newly refreshed "Oval Office"—the first and currently the only re-creation of Biden's actual office, complete with a blue rug featuring the Presidential seal, the resolute desk, six framed personal family photos and a genuine Cross Century II rollerball pen, which is the exact model that the President used to sign his inaugural day proclamations.
Speaking of the inauguration: the duet of wax figures are wearing recreations of the outfits that they wore during the ceremony, him a midnight blue Ralph Lauren suit and her a custom creation by Christopher John Rogers (Harris is wearing a short-version of the coat that she actually wore on that momentous day, given the fact that we're indoors).
One more not-so-coincidental fact: folks can start taking selfies with the political figures starting this Thursday, January 20—on the one-year anniversary of the 46th presidential inauguration ceremony.