Seasons change, nations rise and fall, the ice caps melt into the sea, but one thing remains constant: fashion! It is appropriate, then, that the theme for next year's Met Gala has been revealed to be... time itself!
If you thought the last theme (Camp!) was confusing, and as a licensed gay man let me assure you that it was, I can only imagine that the lewks on display this time around will launch us all into a full-on existential crisis. Fun! Who will lean into the heartbreakingly literal and arrive covered in clocks? Whomst will go for something more abstract? Most importantly, what will Billy Porter wear?
"Fashion is indelibly connected to time," says Andrew Bolton, the curator of the exhibition that will accompany the gala, in a statement. "About Time: Fashion and Duration" will also invoke the works of Virginia Woolf and Michael Cunningham, whose novel The Hours (and the exquisite film adaptation thereof) are based on Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway. "It not only reflects and represents the spirit of the times, but it also changes and develops with the times, serving as an especially sensitive and accurate timepiece."
Does this mean anything? We'll have to wait until the Gala itself on May 4 to find out!