
It might look like a neighborhood community news post, but this outdoor kiosk on the corner of Broadway and 83rd Street is actually an art gallery.
Built back in 1970 by a member of the West 83rd Street Block Association, according to WestSideRag.com, the "space" was turned into an outdoor gallery by local sand sculptor G. Augustine Lynas, whose studio overlooks the location, in December of 2017. Lynas himself curates the exhibits on display, which rotate every three months.
Dubbed the Cylindrical Art Gallery, the stand currently features the work of Stephen Galiczynski, another Upper West Side artist. In total, passerby are treated to 20 pencil sketches, four cityscapes and seven drip paintings by Galiczynski, the 14th artist to collaborate with Lynas on a show on the premise.
When asked about the inspiration behind his project, Lynas mentions his artistic sensibility. "I create art at every opportunity," he says. "So it was natural for me to make the kiosk into something artistic and to give other local artists an opportunity to shine for three months."
As for how he goes about selecting the creatives to feature on the kiosk, Lynas does not seem to have a specific rulebook in place. "I like to display as much variety in the styles and subject matter as practical," he explains. "I also try not to have too many similar styles in succession."
No matter the works highlighted, Lynas wraps each exhibit with acrylic given the gallery's location and the dangers posed to it by the weather.
But the setup is clearly more than an artistic hobby to the local. "The kiosk has given me a great deal of pleasure as I meet and talk with neighbors and passerby," he says. "I have also found new friends in the art community and the larger neighborhood."