
How to see free concerts at Hudson Yards all summer

Sports screenings, free fitness classes, family events and more are also on the lineup.

Melissa Kravitz Hoeffner
Written by
Melissa Kravitz Hoeffner
Backyard at Hudson Yards
Photograph: Karen Sterling

Summer is coming, and that means New York's outdoor spaces will be transformed into entertainment venues, workout studios, eateries and more. Better yet, many of these outside activations are often free to attend and participate in. 

Back for its second year, Backyard at Hudson Yards will offer outdoor entertainment including a free, eight-week Summer Concert Series programmed by The Bowery Presents. Featured artists include Geese (June 21), Thuy (June 28) and The 502s  (August 2), performing on a stage at Hudson Yards’ Public Square & Gardens.

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After the concerts, Hudson Yards’ bars and restaurants will offer specials to keep the party going. Artists for July 5th, July 12th, July 19th, July 26th, and August 9th performance dates will be announced in the coming weeks. 

Additional daily programming includes DJ performances by bicoastal musical sensation Dart Collective, children’s music classes by Mozart for Munchkins, live sports (including women's soccer, baseball, tennis, gold and more) on a 30-foot Big Screen, Tuesday and Thursday morning fitness classes curated by Rhone, a rotating selection of food trucks (think burgers, birria, Filipino fare and more)and more events throughout the season. Come September, free movie screenings will also be added to the calendar.

And if you want some complimentary VIP perks, break out your Wells Fargo card. As a sponsor of Backyard at Hudson Yards, Wells Fargo is offering customers access to priority seating for Big Screen events, early reservation access for Rhone fitness classes, a dedicated area for stroller parking, and a Customer Lounge during Summer Concerts, which can be helpful given the notorious crowds. 

Stonewall Day will also take place at Hudson Yards this summer, with free programming and a Christina Aguilera concert on June 23.

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