
Here’s what we should ban on the subway instead of masks

Governor Kathy Hochul suggested a mask ban in NYC’s subways. Here’s what we think should really get the ax.

Shaye Weaver
Written by
Shaye Weaver
Editor, Time Out New York
Mask on subway
Photograph: Shutterstock

You may no longer be able to wear a mask on the subway. 

Governor Kathy Hochul suggested a mask ban earlier this month in NYC’s subways, which she says would curb antisemitic behavior. She says it’ll help identify troublemakers easier.

The idea, which may exclude medical masks, seems to have Mayor Eric Adams’ support, too, according to Newsweek:

“It’s all about proper implementation,” Adams said. “I’m a strong supporter of the decision of stopping masks on our subway system, of masks in protests and masks in other areas where it is not health-related. I think that you’re going to see a great deal of very violent protests and some of this despicable hate we’re seeing, I think you’re gonna see it dissipate.”

Although masks have been banned in public in NYC since the 1800s, the law was suspended in 2020 during the pandemic to help stop the spread of COVID-19. The pandemic has been declared over, but many New Yorkers are still wearing masks to stay safe, especially now that a new variant is making its way around. NYC has also had multiple air quality alerts this summer, forcing vulnerable New Yorkers back into masks. 

If New York is going to ban masks, we might as well ban these on the subway, too:

1. Blasting music or Tiktok on speakers

Taking the subway is already sensory overload, so when we hear always-shitty music blasting from a phone or speaker, or someone scrolling through an annoying FYP on TikTok, it’s too much. 

2. Vape smoke

Smoking isn’t allowed on the subway, but some vapers think their smoke doesn’t stink. Wrong.

3. Smelly food

We get it—sometimes you’ve got to eat on the go, but if it is rank, please spare us. 

4. Nail clipping (and any other bodily cast-offs)

Once in a while, we see someone hacking away at their nails, letting them fly any which way. It’s a level of disgusting we shouldn’t have to endure. In fact, anything discarded from one’s body should SIMPLY be off-limits on the subway. Let’s keep it at home, folks.

5. Large groups of middle schoolers

Middle schoolers were terrifying when we were in middle school. Now, they just remind us of those awkward (read: horrible) times. They’re loud, obnoxious and just as mean, and we just want to disappear into the seat when they clamber onto the subway.

6. Pole-leaning

Look, standing on the subway is not the easiest, but when someone leans their whole ass body on the pole when others are holding on, it’s fucking rude. An inadvertent touch, especially in the summer, really sticks with you.

7. B.O.

In tight spaces like these, everyone must wear deodorant. Nothing is quite as vom-inducing as getting a whiff of someone’s rank pits!

8. Spitting

There isn’t a day that goes by that we don’t see someone’s loogie on the platform. Can we please stop?

9. Gratuitous PDA

We love a good romance story but no one wants to watch you reach the next base on New York City’s transit system. 

10. Pet snakes and rats

Exotic pets have long been the sign of an eccentric character, but if we don’t want to be on the subway, it’s likely they don’t want to be either. 

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