We just found your next brunch cocktail.
Freds at Barneys Downtown has crafted a next-gen espresso martini by using La Colombe's vanilla draft latte, hazelnut liqueur, kahlua and rum.
The drink is both strong and subtle. It's mixed with two shots, but instead of the usual vodka, the creators substituted the sweeter rum, which is then mitigated by the canned vanilla latte (instead of straight-up espresso or cold brew), churning out a more cloying, creamier cocktail layered with a frothy foam finish.
And even though a high-end restaurant in a high-end department store doesn't seem like the most sensical place to get lit, the on-duty bartender said she has only served one to two tables ever that have not ordered booze. Sounds like our kind of people.
The $18 martini is now available for both brunch and dinner service.
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