Giant puppets will parade through the Lower East Side on Saturday, May 11, to raise awareness for a giant issue: Climate solutions.
"Ecological City: Procession for Climate Solutions" is described as "an urban ecological pilgrimage." Marchers will stop at more than a dozen gardens throughout the neighborhood showcasing visual art, music, dance, theater, and poetry. Expect to see 500 people in spectacular costumes during this theatrical pageant, along with mobile sculptures and larger-than-life puppets.
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Though the event falls after Earth Month, it keeps alive the important conversations about sustainability, climate change, and climate solutions.

The event’s organizers highlight community gardens on the march as a way to show the importance of these green spaces within the city. Not only are these green spaces beautiful, but they also offer pollinator gardens, solar gazebos, permeable paths, and trees that improve air quality.
"The gardens provide a myriad of solutions including sequestering carbon, filtering air pollution and run-off, as well as absorbing flood water from storm surges and sea level rise," event organizers said in a press release. "Visionary green infrastructure projects throughout the neighborhood include bio-swales, rain and pollinator gardens, solar gazebos, permeable pathways, vertical farming, green roofs, CSA-community supported agriculture/urban farming/environmental food justice."

They'll also march along the East River waterfront passing a variety of resiliency practices, like oyster planting, wetlands, and kayak launch river access.
Activities along the route include an eco rap, a song for bioswales, a garden ceremony, and a poetry reading.
More than 50 groups have partnered with Ecological City to make the procession a reality. Partner organizations include Lungs (Loisaida United Neighborhood Gardens), Elizabeth Street Garden, East River Alliance, and more. Social action artist Felicia Young leads Ecological Celebrations, a nonprofit collaborative art project highlighting local climate solution efforts. Their efforts have led to the preservation of community gardens and river restoration.

Volunteers are welcome to join in as puppet operators, procession marshals, and more. Sign up to volunteer here. New Yorkers are invited to stop by the route and learn about the environment while enjoying the artwork.
Here's the procession route and times