
Dreamland Roller Disco opens a new retro roller rink in Downtown Brooklyn

Adam Goldman
Written by
Adam Goldman

There's something so wholesome about roller skating, you know? It's like you just want to pick up your sweetheart on a date and take them to the soda fountain before you go roller skating and ask them to be your steady. Doesn't that sound nifty?

No? Just me? Huh.

Well whatever your deep-seated associations with roller skating, you should definitely check out Dreamland Roller Disco's newest iteration. Lola Star's passion project has popped up at various New York locations (Prospect Park, Industry City) and now you can skate on down to City Point through February 15—Valentine's Day, anyone? The list of themed evenings is mind-bogglingly varied, but we're most excited for the inspired musical mashups: Gaga vs. Madonna, Beyonce vs. Jay-Z and Flashdance vs. Dirty Dancing, just to name a few highlights. You can find the full list of upcoming nights here.

Even better, the fun isn't just for adults. There's a generous helping of kid-friendly events in the offing as well. Now that's wholesome.

Why wait? Pick a date and go skate. It'll be great.

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