Another of the city's beloved music venues is losing its space...to Disney? Here's the grim, all-too-commonplace news: City Winery will be vacating its premises by January 1, 2020, as part of a block-wide demolition for the new NYC Disney headquarters. Owner Michael Dorf has announced plans to find a new space as soon as possible.
Dorf was aware of the possibility since signing its lease for the SoHo space a decade ago, reports Brooklyn Vegan. Trinity Church Real Estate, which owns the land, had prepared Dorf for a possible buyout, and with Disney shelling out $650 million for a 99-year lease, it was unlikely that they would refuse. In a statement, Dorf affirmed that City Winery has held onto a good relationship with Trinity and Disney, despite losing the location. “It is inevitable in a city like New York that two-story buildings will eventually yield to taller ones. It is unfortunate to see historically significant 120-year-old brick-and-beam gems get swapped for 50-story generic glass towers.”
The 32,000 square-foot club boasts the city's only fully-working winery, restaurant and concert space, and Dorf insists that the team plans to find a new location and begin construction by the end of the year so that the club can be up-and-running long before the 2020 date. City Winery also has locations in Nashville, Atlanta, Boston, Washington DC, and Chicago.
As for Disney's plans, the corporate monolith has already sold its Upper West Side corporate offices and will continue to lease them until it rules the West Village. The massive new space will feature offices, studios and more.
Until 2020, you can still catch plenty of excellent shows at the Hudson Square location, with Boy George and the Culture Club performing together on July 28 and Miki Howard hitting the spot on August 1.