
Check out these striking portraits of New Yorkers at home

"New Yorkers" by Sally Davies features fascinating images of some of the city's coolest denizens.

Will Gleason
Written by
Will Gleason
Content Director, The Americas
new yorkers
Sally Davies | New York Portraits: Marina Press Granger, photographed at her apartment on Ridge Street in the East VIllage on August 19 2019.

Most New Yorkers don’t want to spend more time thinking about being cooped up inside an NYC apartment right now. However, a fascinating new book of photography may convince you to dwell on the theme just a bit longer. (After that, check our list of 10 fun ways to celebrate the first week of spring in the city.)

New Yorkers by Sally Davies is a new book from Ammonite Press featuring striking images of cool NYC residents in their colorful abodes. The renowned street photographer, who has been capturing her fellow New Yorkers across the city over the last thirty years, has compiled over 70 intimate portraits for the new collection.

Featuring a cast ranging from drag queens to doctors, cab drivers, and writers (along with legendary Gothamites including William Ivey Long, Danny Fields and Laurie Anderson) the images provide unmissable peeks into the private lives of some of the city’s coolest denizens.

Coincidentally, the final photographs for the book were submitted in early 2020 just a few days before all of New York was forced into their apartments for an extended period of time when lockdown arrived in the city. The additional context of the last year lends an extra layer of poignancy to the images, almost acting as a private look into the shrunken worlds of others.

See some excerpts from the new photograph book below which is currently available online (and from many local bookstores!) for $29.95.

©2019 Sally DaviesFrances Pilot photographed at home in the East Village on Jan 1 2020. Photographed with Sony A7R PHotographed for “New Yorkers at Home” by Ammonite Press.
Sally DaviesNew York Portraits: Michael McMahon , photographed at his apartment in the East VIllage on August 22, 2019.
Sally Davies 2019NYC Portraits: Vicky Roman photographed at her apartment on April 13 2019, (Sony A7R 111) Vicky Roman was born in Puerto Rico in 1945. She moved to NYC in 1952 with her family. She moved into this apartment on East 5th Street in 1972 and lives there still.
Sally DaviesNew York Portraits: Danny Fields photographed at his apartment in the West Village on August 23 2019
Sally Davies: New York PortraitsFlloyd
Sally Davies: New York PortraitsSally Davies

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