
Catch a vintage bus in NYC this month for the holidays

Will Gleason
Written by
Will Gleason
Content Director, The Americas
Courtesy CC/Flickr/Nicole Beauchamp

Old trains aren’t the only form of whimsical vintage holiday transportation in the city this month.

From now through December 21, the New York Transit Museum will be running retro “Holiday Nostalgia Rides” of vintage busses along the M42 bus route, traveling both east and west bound along busy 42nd street in Manhattan. So you should have plenty of time to spend onboard the bus. In fact, there’s a chance the antique busses might even go faster than the current fleet.

Four vintage busses from the museum’s collection are currently running along the central thoroughfare. The vehicles were all built between the years 1956 and 1961, and are currently running between the hours of 9am and 6pm, Monday through Friday. In addition, more vintage busses will be parked at Union Square and Herald Square, if you’re curious to check one out without having to commit to a commute.

But if you’re heading crosstown in midtown over the next few weeks, hop on board and take a vintage ride! Just don’t expect to find any outlets on these throwbacks.

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