
Brooklyn Kolache and Emily pizza are collaborating on a special kolache this September

The Colony Kolache combines some classic slice flavors

Amber Sutherland-Namako
Written by
Amber Sutherland-Namako
Restaurant Critic, Food & Drink Editor
Colony Kolache
Photograph: Courtesy of Michael Tulipan

Who among us hasn’t wondered: Would it ever be possible to take the flavor profile and relative convenience of a slice of pizza and somehow improve on its portability while still maintaining the integrity of one of New York City’s best and most iconic anytime meals? Well two local foodstuff favorites went beyond curiosity to create a mashup that makes that daydream a reality. 

Starting Wednesday, September 1, Brooklyn Kolache will begin selling the Colony Kolache—a collaboration with Emily that incorporates the multi-location popular pizza destination’s Colony pie with Brooklyn Kolache’s style and low-rise dough. 

The Colony Kolache includes pepperoni, pickled chili, honey, tomato sauce and mozzarella, just like Emily’s Colony variety. The savory, handheld snacks will sell for $5.50 a pop, and only be available for the month of September at Brooklyn Kolache’s Bedford-Stuyvesant and Greenwich Village stores. 

Both locations will donate 10 percent of Colony Kolache sales to Breakthrough New York, an organization that benefits students from low-income backgrounds. 

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