
A queer tap takeover is coming to Queens this week

All the beers served are made by LGBTQ folks and allies.

Melissa Kravitz Hoeffner
Written by
Melissa Kravitz Hoeffner
Queer Brewing
Queer Brewing
NYC’s first official queer tap takeover will be held at Long Island City's The Baroness (41-78 Vernon Boulevard) this Thursday, September 30. 
The event, called “It’s Always Pride at The Baroness” will feature exclusively LGBTQ owned and proudly supportive breweries including The UK’s Queer Brewing Project (the first time their beer will be on tap in NYC),  NYC’s Dyke Beer, TALEA Beer Co., Gay Beer, DC’s Anxo cider and many more taps. The evening will offer a dedicated safe space, and entry is free. 
Following happy hour at 7pm, the night will kick off with queer speed dating at 8pm, followed by a night of beer for all. Giveaways from participating brands will be available as well The Baroness' Unicorn Rainbow Bagel, made in collaboration with Brooklyn's The Bagel Store. Tickets for speed dating are available online.
"My wife Melanie Lemieux and I for over a decade have owned bars and restaurants in NYC and have always considered our locations very safes spaces for our all of our LGBTQ friends, which are our family, as well as all of our LGBTQ patrons," said The Baroness co-owner Kyle Radzyminski. 
This isn't the first themed beer night for the bar. A few weeks ago, a Women Who Beer tap takeover featured female-brewed beers from as far as Brazil and Quebec, and next month, a Broadway Brews event will spotlight brewers who have supported Broadway and the arts throughout the pandemic. Surprises and Broadway talent are promised for the October event. 

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