Hello, Dollies! A lookalike contest for the angel of country music is coming to New York on Friday, February 23, and it's going to be a real hootenanny. Held at Mable's Smokehouse in Williamsburg, the event includes all-night drink specials, finger-licking-good BBQ and, of course, tunes by the woman of the evening: Dolly Parton.
Those brave enough to mimic the “9 to 5” singer can enter in advance by emailing events@mablessmokehouse.com, but last-minute contestants can just show up. Tease your hair, curl your lashes and wiggle into your tight pants, but be warned: “It costs a lot of money to look this cheap.” To take home the grand prize, you may want to hit one of New York's best costume shops for a wig and cowgirl hat. But good luck topping Adele's flawless tribute to Dolly.
The event kicks off at 9pm and there is a $10 cover for non-contestants. Oh, and Jolenes can stay home—thanks.

Photograph: Courtesy Marble's Smokehouse
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