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It doesn’t take long to figure out that the new They Might Be Giants album isn’t one of the New York duo’s family-friendly efforts. “I was outnumbered a million to one,” John Linnell sings over a crisp power-pop groove. “All of the dicks in this dick town can’t keep Johnny down.” That’s the first line in the first song on the band's latest, Join Us. As usual, though, the Giants attack this adult-minded material with an energy and enthusiasm no less contagious than when they’re selling the ABCs and 123s. And it’s a kick to hear that after nearly 30 years of spirited dabbling, their appetite for variety remains unsatisfied. For this free show they’ll be joined by Eugene Mirman’s local indie-comedy troupe Pretty Good Friends; guest appearances are promised by Patton Oswalt, Todd Barry, Kristen Schaal and others.
Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.
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