The Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland on stage.
Photograph: By Sean McMahon | Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland

Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland

  • Music
Rossilynne Skena Culgan

Time Out says

Ireland’s celebrated youth orchestra, the Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland, will arrive in New York for a show called "Ancora," the triumphant finale of an 18-concert tour across of Ireland. Expect a rare mix of symphonic Celtic music rooted in both the Irish and Ulster Scots traditions.

Formed as part of the peace initiative process in 1995, the 140-player symphony orchestra — with young musicians from both Ireland and Northern Ireland ages 14 to 24 — is regarded internationally as world-class musical and educational enterprise.

The show includes the 100-voice Fairfield County Children’s Choir from Connecticut; Brooklyn’s Xaverian High School Pipe Corps; and dancers from the DeNogla Academy in New Jersey.


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