Lia Ices live at Mercury Lounge
Photograph: wagz2it | Lia Ices live at Mercury Lounge
Photograph: wagz2it

Cheap New York: Affordable live-music concerts

Enjoying live music on the cheap in New York is easy—if you follow our handy, continually updated guide.


Looking for a cheap New York City concert? Of course you are! Check out our genre-spanning list of inexpensive gigs going on around town—and don’t forget about these free venues. Who knows—you could catch the next big thing.

RECOMMENDED: Full list of cheap things to do in NYC

  • Music
  • Cabaret and standards
  • Noho
  • price 1 of 4
  • Recommended
Truth Future Bachman has premiered a different queer-superhero sci-fi musical at Lincoln Center's David Rubinstein Atrium every fall for the past three years. Now the nonbinary singer-songwriter performs selections from all three shows of that Shapeshifters triptych—Luna & the Starbodies, Skyward: An Endling Elegy and Second Sight—at Joe's Pub, where the series originated in 2019. To expand the spectacle, Bachman is joined by dancers performing original moves by local choreographers.
  • Music
  • Cabaret and standards
  • Hell's Kitchen
  • price 1 of 4
  • Recommended
Understudies, alternates and standbys get their momeents in the sun in Stephen DeAngelis's longevous cabaret series, which began in 2003 and has so far shone a spotlight on more than 1,200 performers. The March edition features Andrew Montgomery Coleman, Nicholas Cooper, Timothy H. Lee, Sydney Parra, Khadijah Rolle, Hannah Solow, Olivia Valli, Tryphena Wade and Hailee Kaleem Wright. Eugene Gwozdz is the musical director and accompanist.
  • Music
  • Cabaret and standards
  • Noho
  • price 1 of 4
  • Recommended
Disco enthusiast Aviva Zafrin amassed more than 150k followers on TikTok with her high-spirited disco riffs, so she's taking the next logical step to fame for someone in her early 20s: cabaret! So far, it's going pretty well—this is her sixth solo show at Joe's Pub. 
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