Some of music’s biggest acts—Jay-Z, Neil Young, Britney Spears—come out to play at the world’s most famous basketball arena. Whether you’ll actually be able to get a look at them depends on your seat number or the quality of your binoculars. The arena is far too vast for a rich concert experience, ugly and a little bit musty, but it remains part of the fabric of New York and begrudgingly beloved. There’s also a smaller theater within the complex.
Sometimes you just want to go big, and if you're an NYC music lover, you've got plenty of options. Catch an Jay Z megagig at Barclays, shell out for Fleetwood Mac or another legacy act at the Garden or sweat away your cares with a dance-friendly band like Hot Chip at Terminal 5. You'll probably overpay for drinks, wait too long for the bathroom and have to stand on your tiptoes to see over someone's head, but hey, these are the prices you pay to see the world's biggest acts on the world's most prestigious stages.