Now in its 31st year, the New York African Film Festival is back at Film at Lincoln Center from Wednesday, May 8 to Tuesday, May 14 to explore "the intersection of historical and contemporary roles played by individuals representing Africa and its diaspora in art."
Featuring more than 50 films from more than 25 countries, the festival "invites audiences to delve into the convergence of archival and modern experimentalism" under the theme of "Convergence of Time." Opening Night will feature the North American premiere of the acclaimed Nigerian film Over the Bridge by Tolu Ajaji. The Centerpiece this year is Perpetual Connections, a shorts program, and Dilli Dark by Dibakar Das Roy will serve as the Closing Night film. In a first-ever, the festival will include a dance performance along with the screening of a film, Making Men, which examines the question of masculinity.