This young man takes a break from watching YouTube videos of Lady Gaga only to watch her in American Horror Story: Hotel. With a job in retail that is doing little to chip away the drama-school student loan, he remains on top of his game by auditioning by day and debating the catalog of Stephen Sondheim by happy hour. At the end of the day, it is somehow all worth the agony of living in Hell’s Kitchen with 10 roommates. When mom comes to visit, take her uptown to witness the Gothic grandeur of St. John the Divine. Moms love that stuff! And while you’re there, announce to her that the only power higher than Madonna had other plans for you.
Twinks, U-Haul lesbians, gym queens, circuit boys, granola dykes: You left your hometown behind to become your own shade of the rainbow in the Big Apple. Now—Gasp!—Mom is coming to visit. Or maybe dear Mother lives in New York too, and really wants to know why you never seem to meet anybody nice. So instead of taking down the Nick Jonas posters and rescheduling your Real Housewives viewing party or worse, keeping up the charade that your “roommate” sleeps in your bed with you only to save cash, come out to her—right here in NYC! Put some thought into what you're going to say, but don't neglect to plan where you'll say it. If you let your coming-out location do some talking for you, that's less talking you'll have to do. From the High Line to one of the best spas in NYC, find the outdated, mildly offensive stereotype below that you most identify with and make a date with Mom and destiny.