Glace Chase

Performer and host of Sing-a-ling at Belle Reve
“The first time I felt at home in New York was about three or four years ago, when the first straight guy at karaoke night took me home. At that point, I didn’t know what I was or who I was, but I knew I was really fucking different. I never felt like a woman, per se, so I wasn’t sure if I could use trans. But I didn’t feel like I was a drag queen either. But whatever my freak was, it was working. The crowd at Belle Reve were screaming for me, picking me up and throwing me around the room, and the guys that have never stopped knocking at my door. I actually started to be like, ‘Wow, this is you.’ It kickstarted me moving actively out of drag and into a more authentic being. Into transness, really.”