Meet your significant other at the top of the Empire State Building

Many people might credit Sleepless in Seattle for establishing the Empire State (350 Fifth Ave at 33rd St; 212-736-3100, as a meeting spot for romantic liaisons, but the reference actually goes back to 1957’s An Affair to Remember (or perhaps even further, considering that An Affair was a remake of a 1939 film). Regardless, Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr own the weepy drama, which depicts the two lovebirds getting acquainted on a transatlantic voyage and vowing to meet at the iconic building six months later. Alas, Kerr’s Terry is struck by a car and crippled on her way to meeting her lover, leaving Grant’s Nickie alone on the observation deck. An awkward run-in after the missed connection produced this classic romantic movie line: “And all I could say was, ‘hello.’ ” Twists of fate aside, the view is hard to beat: “The Empire State Building is the closest thing to heaven in this city,” says Terry.