Ziwe Fumudoh
Photograph: Courtesy Mindy Tucker
Photograph: Courtesy Mindy Tucker

Great comedy shows with POC performers in NYC

Comedians of color are ruling NYC's best comedy clubs. See them at these excellent shows!


NYC's comedy scene is more inclusive than ever, with funny women and queer comedians of color performing at the best comedy clubs all over town on any given night. We break down hilarious shows hosted and produced by people of color, from improv to musical variety. Now go out and celebrate!

Best shows in Manhattan

  • Comedy
The Party
The Party

Philip Henry invites you to get lit with a rotating cast of wild surprise guests at his bonkers variety show, which features shady reports of current events, stand-up and games with drag queens, porn stars and Broadway actors.

  • Comedy
  • Storytelling
  • Recommended

Dating in New York isn't always as darling as it seems in the movies. Fortunately, the ferocious duo of Vanessa Valerio and Anita Flores have arrived to reclaim justice for survivors of grim Grindr encounters, pitiful Tinder dates and merciless ghostings. The September edition packs a killer lineup, with Joyelle Johnson, Elana Lancaster, Tracie Osborne and Gastor Almonte sharing stories.   

  • LGBTQ+

Juliet Prather, Maddie Fischer, Fareeha Khan, Jesse Roth and Stephanie Pace host this comedy showcase highlighting female, queer and gender non-conforming talents. July's edition is an absolute banger, with a killer lineup including Cole Escola, Bowen Yang, Natasha Vaynblat, Danielle Perez, Dylan Adler, Schuyler Robinson and Michelle Davis. 

Best shows in Brooklyn

  • Comedy
  • price 1 of 4

Chris Daniels and Kofi Thomas get down at a Bushwick arts space at this delightful monthly shindig. Drinks are included with your ticket, but be sure to BYOB to keep the party going long after the sets end. Brendan Eyre and Marie Faustin join in on the good times.     

  • Comedy
  • Podcast recordings
  • Recommended

Unleash your rage at the great cultural offenses of our time at this cathartic comedy show. A whopping 50 performers are each given one minute to take on a pressing topic, like Grimes and Elon Musk or Johnny Depp in those Harry Potter spin-offs. Hosts Bowen Yang  and Matt Rogers curate the operatic bitchiness, based on the beloved segment from their podcast.

  • Comedy

What part of Ziwe Fumudoh doesn't read superstar to you? The highly cerebral performance dynamo lives out a full pop fantasy at this monthly bash, at which comedy favorites perform their own twisted bops. This month, she's joined by an untouchable lineup, which includes Cole Escola, Jo Firestone, Natalie Walker, Matt Rogers, David Goldberg, Lorelei Ramirez and Jeb Roberts.

  • Comedy
  • price 1 of 4
  • Recommended

What could be better than the batshit buddy comedy duo of Pete DeAbreu and Christi Chiello? The wild pair host this excellent night of laughs at Union Hall, with their favorite funny friends joining in on the action. 


The best comedy in NYC this month

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