DJ Garth
DJ Garth

DJ mix: DJ Garth

The aurally adventurous spinner DJ Garth sets us up for his Dog & Pony Show set.

The England-born DJ Garth is a fabulous spinner of eccentric sounds who first rose to fame in this country via his early-’90s involvement with San Fran's Wicked Sound System, and slightly later through such amazing productions as "Twenty Minutes of Disco Glory." Much like his comrade DJ Harvey, Garth is a wily DJ of far-flung rhythms, liable to drop a bit of rock, dub reggae, disco and/or the indescribable in the midst of his four-to-the-floor sets. On the mix below, though, he keeps the focus narrow: It pays homage to Nu Groove, the groundbreaking late-’80s/early-’90s NYC house label, home to Rheji and Ronald Burrell, Frankie Bones, Lenny Dee, Bobby Konders, Bäs Noir and so much fabulous music that the mind boggles. Garth spins with the equally excellent Justin Straus and resident Paul Raffaele at the next Dog & Pony Show shindig on Saturday, April 20th; if you want to hear a pair of top-tier deck technicians, make it a date.

Follow Bruce Tantum on Twitter: @BruceTantum
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