New York City real estate may be exorbitantly expensive, but now you can have a fraction of the city for a fraction of the price!
Microscape models are incredibly detailed 1:5000 architectural models of cities that you'll probably want to snatch up for your desk or coffee table immediately.
The company currently has a Kickstarter to expand to other areas, but you can currently pledge money to reserve 1 of 24 six-inch square tiles showing different parts of Manhattan. (The lowest level pledge available is currently $85) You can choose an area of the city that has a special significance to you or maybe even your own neighborhood.
For those with some serious cash to burn, there's also a model of the entire island of Manhattan (consisting of roughly 200 tiles) available for $25,000. So... that would be a pretty cool gift.
See more photos of the models below.

Courtesy: Microscape

Courtesy: Microscape