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A photo posted by prospect_park (@prospect_park) on
Summer vacation’s over and it’s time for kids to get back to work.
The herd of goats that took up residency in Prospect Park in May are back after spending the past few months summering in Rhinebeck, New York, poolside with daiquiris in hand. (Okay, that last part isn’t true.)
The goats were originally hired this spring as live weed whackers, brought in to eat the poison ivy and goutweed in the Vale of Cashmere, a northeastern section of the park. They were such voracious eaters, though, the job was done in just six weeks. But since weeds grow like, well, weeds, six of the original herd are back for more damage control.
As they eat, the goats will be fenced in, but visitors are welcome during park hours. And they don’t shy away from people: Mary Keehbauch, who oversees the goats, says they’ve “learned the hard way that the goats want to be wherever we happen to be working. They treat us as if we are an extension of their group.”
There’s no word yet on if they’ve started a turf war with the goats at the Prospect Park Zoo, though.
Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.
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