Grrr! Woof! The gay bears of the very popular web series Where the Bears Are are back on your various screens on August 11 for their third season of comedy-mystery shenanigans. This time around, our fuzzy heroes investigate the murders of beefy sex workers in Los Angeles. But it's not all dark stuff! Expect extra large portions of puns, heaping helpings of double entendres, and more body hair than you'll find at a Baldwin family reunion. The season also features guest spots from the likes of Tuc Watkins, Drew Droege and Sam Pancake. WTBA raised $159k on Kickstarter recently—which is not surprising; the Internet seems to love gay bear videos (maybe even more than real bear videos, non–panda division). Thankfully, from the look of the trailer below, its delightfully thrifty production values are still intact. For updates, keep an eye on wherethebearsare.tv.