Aziz Ansari’s new series Master of None dropped on Netflix last Friday and, guys, it’s pretty great. Ansari's character, Dev, is a thirty year old actor living and working in New York. Dev has the same goofy turns-of-phrase and expressive face people loved on Ansari's Parks and Recreation character (he calls sneakers “sneakies”), as well as a thoughtful heart genuinely concerned with the issues of the day: street harassment, racism in Hollywood and—okay, not as important a topic, but one we still relate to—when to spring for an Uber Black.
Here’s what Ansari gets totally right about millennial life in the big apple:
1. Our obsession with getting the best possible food in the city: The show features so many top-notch NYC bars and restaurants, it's hard to keep track. We’ve detailed how Aziz gets this right more fully here.
2. The difficulty of trying to get a drink at a crowded bar: In episode 7, Dev and his friend Arnold try (fairly unsuccessfully) to get the bartender’s attention at the popular 169 Bar. Arnold also demonstrates how to annoy a bartender so much that he or she will never serve you: Obnoxiously wave money while making loud noises.
3. The flaking problem: Yes, we might have an issue with flaking on dates, especially with people we've met online. But hey—it’s hard to commit to plans when you live with constant FOMO.
4. We buy all of our furniture off Craigslist: Like the show's characters Arnold and Rachel, we all assume we're going be great at negotiating a fair price. Turns out, we are NOT.
But here's what he gets wrong:
1. If somebody were to offer us a free ticket to a secret Father John Misty show, we’d NEVER give a wishy-washy answer. The answer is always "yes," other plans (or being a responsible employee) be damned.
2. We know we complain about this issue in every show set in New York City, but...that is a really nice one bedroom pad Dev has there. Sure, his character's Go-Gurt commercial paid well, but how can he afford both that spot and fund his foodie habits?
3. We've never seen anyone do a citizen arrest of the masterbaters on the G train. But damn, that'd be awesome.