
We’ve got four years of Midtown gridlock to look forward to now

Written by
Rebecca Fontana

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Over the past few months, the number of people outside the Midtown Trump Tower every day has been slowly increasing from the occasional Snapchatter to a steady stream of people giving the finger to the building. (Or climbing it. To each his own.)
On Wednesday night, though, the traffic outside the 5th Avenue building reached a new level, with thousands of New Yorkers swarming the streets to protest the election results. Days later, there are still crowds of police officers, barricades and reporters camped out on the block.
And they’re not going anywhere. In a recent interview, former city Department of Transportation Commissioner Sam Schwartz said that it’s likely the gridlock on 5th Avenue will be there for the next four years. Donald Trump’s building will be the go-to spot for protests and gatherings whenever the president-elect is in town, so plan a detour accordingly. 

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