Like many New Yorkers you may have spent November 1 walking around in a less-than-great costume on the walk of shame perfect storm, but no matter how hard the headache/bright sun/marathon street closures combo hit you your morning was better than it was for these kids.
Since 2012, late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel has encouraged parents to traumatize their children with a post-Halloween trick on the kid’s treats for the sake of other adult’s amusement—and it is, in fact, hilarious. For the prank grownups hide their little one’s candy stash during the night and in the morning make a false-confession of eating the bag’s contents and capture the tyke’s—definitely justified— meltdown on video.
Though there’s already been four “I Told My Kids I Ate All Their Halloween Candy” before, the sheer variety of angry, sad and disgruntled reactions never fails. This year, Jimmy Kimmel Live! got over a thousand submissions, and chose only the best 6 minutes worth of screams, cries and stern lectures from toddlers.
The one boy is right, that is "so wude!"