
Watch a guy fly around the Statue of Liberty in a jetpack because we live in the future

Will Gleason
Written by
Will Gleason
Content Director, The Americas

As Emma Lazarus’ famous poem, inscribed on the base of the Statue of Liberty, reads: “Give me your tired, your poor. Your flying jet packs, yearning to reach an altitude of 200 feet.”

Australian entrepreneur David Mayman became the first man to fly around the Statue of Liberty in a personal jetpack earlier this week meaning Iron Man is basically real now. The JB-9 Jetpack took ten years to develop, is small enough to fit in the back seat of a car and runs on kerosene. 

Mayman hopes the stunt will attract more customers to the product, which has been approved for flight by the FAA and the US Coast Guard. It’s powered by two turbine jet engines and has the ability to fly thousands of feet in the air. Early testing of the next version, the JB-10, has seen altitudes as high as 10,000 feet and speeds greater than 100 mph in case you’re really in a hurry to get to work.

You can find out more about Jetpack Aviation’s future plans to make the futuristic accessories more common place on their site

h/t Daily Mail

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